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Location and Phone Number

We are located at: 5601 Main Street Grasonville MD 21638

Phone number – 410-827-9215

Contact us via email by completing the form.

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From Baltimore

695 East to Route 97 (Annapolis), to Route 50 East. Cross over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, take exit 44A Station Lane. Make a left turn onto Route 18 Main Street. Travel approximately .9 mile and turn left on Wilson Lane. The Grasonville Community Center will be on your right. Take an immediate right to the parking lot.

From Glen Burnie

Route 2 (Ritchie Highway) South to Route 50 East. Cross over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, take exit 44A Station Lane. Make a left turn on to Route 18 Main Street. Travel approximately .9 mile and turn left on Wilson Lane. The Grasonville Community Center will be on your right. Take an immediate right to the parking lot.

From Salisbury

Route 50 West to Grasonville – take Exit 45 B Nesbitt Road. Left at the end of the ramp and another left turn onto Nesbitt Road. Travel approximately ½ mile to Route 18 making a right turn on Route 18 (Main Street). Go approximately 1 mile to the Grasonville Community Center and turn right on Wilson Lane. Take an immediate right to the parking lot.

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